Puntos fuertes Cesaden

asesor dental girona cesaden 002

En clínica CESADEN somos líderes en España en el campo de la odontología y es uno de los mayores centros de rehabilitación en España con más de 5.000 pacientes al año.

En clínica CESADEN somos líderes en España en el campo de la odontología y es uno de los mayores centros de rehabilitación en España con más de 5.000 pacientes al año.


En la primera visita hacemos una panorámica digital, un examen inicial, diagnóstico personalizado y un presupuesto sin compromiso.

Prestaciones sin coste al aceptar el presupuesto:

Nuestro punto fuerte es la capacidad para adaptarnos a cada paciente

CESADEN está atendida por un personal altamente cualificado con formación nacional e internacional. Realizamos ponencias de nuestros avances odontológicos en congresos dentales en los que participamos y colaboramos con la Universidad de Barcelona. Contamos con un equipo especializado de más de 20 profesionales con amplia experiencia para satisfacer la enorme demanda de asistencia dental de alta calidad que requieren las necesidades actuales de nuestros pacientes con más de 5.000 rehabilitaciones orales.

Tres generaciones y más de 80 años al servicio de la salud dental hablan por sí mismos. Y esperamos seguir muchas generaciones más…

cesaden clínica


Más de 1.000 m² construidos, 6 gabinetes dentales, 1 quirófano principal con anestesia general, 2 salas de espera, 2 salas de esterilización, 2 despachos, servicio de minibar y un equipo de más de 20 profesionales.


Muy amplio (lunes, martes y viernes de 10:00 a 13:00 y de 17:00 a 20:00, el miércoles y el jueves, de 10:00 a 17:00). Flexible, adaptado a las necesidades del paciente.

carillas dentales cesaden

Seriedad y compromiso

Contamos con una adecuada ética profesional. Sabemos que trabajamos con personas con problemas de salud que resolvemos de la mejor manera tanto funcionalmente como estéticamente. Nos comprometemos a satisfacer al máximo sus necesidades aunque no son siempre posibles.

cuidado bucal durante el embarazo


Utilizamos las últimas tecnologías del mercado y nos basamos en el desarrollo de técnicas propias, soluciones creativas, diseño de la estética personalizada y una incansable búsqueda de la perfección para hacer posible lo imposible ofreciendo la más alta calidad. Todo esto es posible al gran número de tratamientos implantologicos anuales que se realizan.

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La garantía CESADEN asegura el placer de una buena prótesis para todo propietario de una prótesis. Este certificado garantiza que todos los materiales de prótesis cumplen con los requisitos de las normas de biocompatibilidad y que han pasado un exhaustivo control de calidad.

Servicio post-tratamiento

Urgencias 365 días al año. Reparación de prótesis dentales en menos de 12 horas. Mantenimiento anual.

Descubre por qué somos una de las clínicas dentales mejor valoradas de España

Again, very happy, the dentist was amazing, he performed the procedure on me, always making sure I had no pain and explaining everything with a lot of humor, everything was perfect. They are all good professionals and very nice.
Nati Garnica
20:12 30 Dec 24
Excellent service. Today I went urgently because it was closed until January 7th and they treated me great.
Nacho Antonin Castella
10:52 24 Dec 24
For having left due to family problems and returning without attention to previous clients, 6000 euros and everything moves me
laura Aliaga
07:51 06 Aug 24
I went yesterday for an emergency and they treated me quickly. Very friendly and professional. I recommend.
victoria ferri
12:55 26 Jul 24
Today I went to the emergency room with my six-year-old son. The doctor has been spectacularly patient and caring. We have finally achieved the goal: to leave without a tooth. It hasn't been easy but they have done it 10! Thank you very much
Jonathan Lelievre
17:44 09 Jul 24
Great team, very competent. I highly recommend
Elias Gallego
18:42 03 Jun 24
General dental cleaningVenezuelan Carina Very professional, meticulous.And comparing with previous ones.Dentists in the area.jenial verdas
María H
10:41 05 May 24
I called for an emergency and they attended to me the same day. Then they arranged a second visit for me and everything was great too. They are very friendly and professional, I left very calm and satisfied.
Humberto Galasso
22:39 28 Mar 24
Great experience in this clinic, Lorena did me a cleaning and whiting treatment which were excellent, soft and high professional approach.. high recommend it. Thanks a lot
Shaddy R
08:27 14 Jul 22
We were recommended CESADEN by our hotel owner in Platja d'Aro and after checking another on the main street we decided to move on to speak to CESADEN and we are super happy that we did...My wife had lost a denture and this could have ruined our vacation. The receptionist was immediately helpful and comforting. We would have a short wait before the dental assistant took my wife through some checks, contacted the laboratory twice and prepared a schedule to conclude before the end of our two week vacation. They were ready in ONE week. We made some interim visits by pre arrangement, some also spontaneously which the assistant made via WhatsApp. From the first meeting with the assistant we knew we were in perfect hands. She was extremely competent, clear (perfect English) and highly professional, representing the clinic perfectly. And we can't thank her enough. Really. Just exceptional treatment, she managed the project from start to finish.On the matter of the cost of the treatment we consider the bill VERY reasonable. Similar treatment in Poland would have been only slightly cheaper. In Germany, where we live, surely more expensive. We were given the cost at the beginning of the process and the dental team and doctors delivered early and perfectly. My wife got her smile back for the holidays thanks to the exceptional work at CESADEN.
Maggie “Maggie”
08:16 14 Jul 22
The best place when do you have any problem with teeth. From the moment entering to the dentist, start from reception you can feel immidietly very welcome and full of professionalism. Even if you can't speak Spanish, don't worry you are in good hands, they will make sure you understand everything. This place is full of positive attitude. I accidently lost my denture in beginning of my vacation and all team did their very best with time and with the best quality to help me. They bring me back the best smile I can ever imagine in only one week time, what is normally impossible to do. I am so greatful that I find this place and always will very highly recommended.
Solange Coussement
06:12 24 Mar 22
I am here on holiday and have a tooth infection. I called and could come the next day. Staff is really very very kind, from reception desk, doctors’s assistant and doctor. You feel welcome, although you’re not a regular patient en they make you feel very comfortable. I can only recommend their service.Top !
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